Tuesday, June 24, 2008

the government wants to know...

how you have heard about our relationship, the first time you heard, what you thought, if we are really a couple....all that fun stuff.
if you are willing to vouch for us in form of a letter, please let us know. We also need pictures of us together. Please check if at some point you took one and have it on your computer. First of all, it would be nice to have a picture or two of Ben and I (we really don't have too many) and second of all, immigration wants proof that we actually are a couple.
We would appreciate every help we can get.
For more information, write us an email, or call us.
I am still trying to figure out this whole process, but I thought I'd ask now, before it gets to hectic.

My mom is coming in two days, and I couldn't be more excited (even though I would like it to be cleaner here) and Saturday is my awesome bridal shower thanks to Jenny and Jennifer. It's a good week.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

it's real!

after a wonderful night out at the Christ the King Summer Social, we received a wonderful rsvp from our friend Kirsten, who we KNEW would be attending, but none the less, she gave us some info that go me thinking....

i could have sworn that as a child, watching too much TV, that once, on some silly televised circus that as the finale they showed a REAL UNICORN. supposedly not a real unicorn but a mix of goat and mule that some italian family had bred for having one horn and "kinda" looking like a horse-like creature. then a few years later Art School happened, but i am still pretty sure i saw what i saw.



yea, a freak of nature. but not that much unlike our marriage. just kidding. its exactly like it.

Friday, June 20, 2008


one month away.
if you have not, please rsvp. we have to make sure we have a chair for you to sit in.

andrea and i went to the county office and swore that the information we filled out on an OFFICIAL marriage license was true. the clerk was looking RIGHT at andrea when we both said "yes." i dont know if it was because he didnt quite believe her or because shes so pretty.

i think its because shes pretty.

really people, rsvp if you havent.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

invite only...we are very exclusive...

So most of the invites are on their way. Finally. My printer, unfortunately, decided to ruin the last 5 sheets of mailing labels I had, so about 30 invitations are still sitting here waiting to be mailed. I'll take care of that tomorrow. Brian did an amazing job on the design and as soon as I get the German announcements they will be send as well.
Yesterday we went decoration-shopping, which wasn't even half as painful as I thought it would be...well, the humidity was a big minus, but other than that it was fine.
If the final result will be anything like I imagine, it will be nice and simple and pretty.
It was also our 5th anniversary this weekend, so we went to the Spaghetti Factory, did some extreme sweating, ate what we could eat and went to see Iron Man, which was awesome. If you like Marvel, you should see it.
Today I did some more dress fitting (It fits, yay) and planning with Betsy and it looks like everything is going to work somehow. Enough wedding talk now.

So as Ben mentioned, we got a little emotional during Obama's speech. While it is always historical when the nominees are finally chosen, it is still a completely different kind of history being written right now. It was about time, and as sad as it is that for me it came down to siding with the male candidate, I do believe that it is amazing that the kids I work with have now seen that it doesn't always have to be an old white guy. I hope it will make a difference in the long run and not just momentarily.
Besides his politics, what I (as a foreigner) like about Obama is his international background, his apparent understanding of world affairs, and that he keeps saying that he does not want to surround himself with yes-men.
It can only get better, and I am hoping for substantial change and more accountability for the administration.

That being said, now back to the important stuff:

Thursday, June 5, 2008

who wants a tasty treat?

whats in that box?

andrea and i got up early (for us) today in order to go do the one thing that most couples either leave up to someone else, take too seriously, or think too little about. thats right, we went to look at wedding cakes. but if you know either andrea or myself well enough you know that we do indeed LOVE cake, but a "wedding cake" is something for other couples. so, since we are young(ish) and hip(ish), we decided early on to try something a little different for our attendees. we hope you all will enjoy our desert selection since the reception wont have much in the way of a dinner.

SIDE NOTE: we also woke up tuesday morning to go to Sahm's where a nice lady name Ellen was nice enough to feed us pork kabobs and cheese at 9:30 in the morning. yes, you will be gnoshing on some good eats come july 19th.

ok, back to the yummy yum - our fantastic friend Kirsten Eamon-Shine was nice enough to purchase a box of what can be safely said was some of the best baked goods that have ever entered my stomach that didnt come our of a wrapper. just the look of these tasty little cakes, just by the halo of not-quite-healthy-but-its-good-for-your-soulness, it was decided.

the flying cupcake bakery is a super cute little shop in indy. its within stone skipping distance of the canal and rife with second handness - when you pay for your cupcakes youre standing in front of an OLD coke cooler, probably from the 50's or 60's based on the size of it. the owner and head baker, Gigi Powell (no relation to Dick's family at CTK) was super energetic and very helpful in all ways. i know how hard it is to be an enthusiastic seller in the morning, but really, her product sells itself. yea its a little pricey, but its hella good, kids. really, theyre great!


clockwise from top left; razmatazz, not-a-ho-ho, red velevet (my fave), koo koo coconut.


in other news andrea and i shared a tearful moment tuesday night as Obama clenched the delegate count to claim the title of "presumptive nominee" for the Democratic Party. andrea cant vote, and i know that voting as a citizen is really nothing more than nudging some other citizen with more political power to vote the way you want. that persons ribs must hurt after a while, ya know? anyway, as the two of us share this magical time, let us also recognize that in the USA, in 2008, there is an amazing candidate that has both broken the mold and played the game within the rules. i have no ill-will towards Clinton, but Obama is really something else....that something else being the direction i think this country needs towards.

hey, what did you expect from this blog? just pictures of cupcakes and magical knights riding unicorns?

well, here you go!

thanks travis!